M. Graham Clark Chapter


We must turn in a count of meals to be prepared for our meetings. We need an accurate count for meals for our breakfast meetings. The Park Restaurant will prepare meals based on our count, which must be reported to them on the Thursday morning before our Saturday meeting. We will be required to pay for that number of meals.

We want enough food for all attendees and we don't want to pay for uneaten meals.

Therefore we ask everyone to RSVP. It is easy to do this.

After the meeting notice E-mail is sent on the Saturday morning one week before our meeting and before Wednesday evening at 7:00pm, send an E-mail to:

RSVP E-mail: rsvp@mgcsar.org

In that E-mail, type your name and the number of meals you will be responsible for in the SUBJECT LINE of the E-mail.

There is no need to type anything in the body of the message.

If you are a regular attender and will not be able to attend for any reason, please send an RSVP with the number of meals as 0. This will be a great help to us in determining the attendance

You will receive an automatic "Thank-you message" reply to your E-mail.

EXAMPLES of possible SUBJECT lines:

SUBJECT: J.Y. Miller & Mary 2 means both J.Y. and Mary will attend AND eat.

SUBJECT: J.Y. Miller 1 means only J.Y. will attend AND eat.

SUBJECT: J.Y. Miller 0 means J.Y. usually attends, but will not this time.

SUBJECT: J.Y. Miller 1 -NO Meal means that J.Y. will attend, but will not eat.

SUBJECT: J.Y. Miller & Mary plus Joe Mills 3 J.Y., Mary and their friend Joe will attend and all will eat.

This is an example of how to style your E-mail.


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